Blur Anything For Videos Link to this heading

Mentioned in Awesome OpenVINO

Blur Anything is an adaptation of the excellent Track Anything project which is in turn based on Meta’s Segment Anything and XMem. It allows you to blur anything in a video, including faces, license plates, etc.

Get Started Link to this heading

# Clone the repository:
git clone
cd Blur-Anything

# Install dependencies: 
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run the Blur-Anything gradio demo.
python --device [cpu|cuda:0|cuda:1|...] --sam_model_type [vit_t| vit_b|vit_h| vit_l] [--backend [onnx|openvino]]

Features Link to this heading

  • FastSAM with ONNX and OpenVINO support.
  • Lower memory usage.

To Do Link to this heading

  • Add a gradio demo
  • Add support to use YouTube video URL
  • Add option to completely black out the object
  • Convert XMem to ONNX

Acknowledgements Link to this heading

The project is an adaptation of Track Anything which is based on Segment Anything and XMem.

Thanks to PIMS which is used to process video files while keeping memory usage low.